Posted on: 22/03/2017
Executive TV are pleased to announce Healthcare for a Better Future. This programme looks at a range of techniques and procedures which are being implemented to ensure patient-centricity within healthcare.
Patient-centricity is the prime focus of any healthcare provider or healthcare manufacturer. Manufacturing a product that will provide longevity, a better well-being and improve mobility to patients is what manufacturers for healthcare have as the core principle for the products. The prospect of innovation is encouraged and implemented, however, without putting the health and safety of patients and staff at risk.
Technological advances within healthcare has further introduced products which primarily focuses on patient outcomes and the recovery period length. The collaborative work between manufacturers and clinicians can certainly ensure that efficient patient-care can be guaranteed. While the NHS may seem like a hurdle to pass, many manufacturers believe that the NHS, are in fact, not as resistant in adopting new technologies and innovations as they are made out to be.
Healthcare for a Better Future features, DTR Medical; Fisher & Paykel Healthcare; NorVap Ltd; and Rocialle.
This 30-minute programme will first broadcast on our usual channel, Propeller TV (Sky channel 189), on Sunday 26th March 2017 at 10:30am, and repeated on Sunday 16th April 2017 at 10:30am. After the initial broadcast, the programme will be available online at executivetv.org with the rest of our digital archive.